Stories by She Prays Daily™: designed for life is an offline and online space where we center the journeys of faith-based women. From corporate executives to creatives this space establishes a culture of speaking from a place of peace. We encourage the truth and taking actions towards triumph. We provide faith-filled women building brands and legacies the resources to live the life they were designed for.

Designed for life: A faith-filled lifestyle space for HER calling.
Sounds by She Prays Daily™: designed for life is an offline and online space where we center the journeys of faith-based women. From corporate executives to creatives this space establishes a culture of speaking from a place of peace. We encourage the truth and taking actions towards triumph. We provide faith-filled women building brands and legacies the resources to live the life they were designed for.
Series by She Prays Daily™: designed for life is an offline and online space where we center the journeys of faith-based women. From corporate executives to creatives this space establishes a culture of speaking from a place of peace. We encourage the truth and taking actions towards triumph. We provide faith-filled women building brands and legacies the resources to live the life they were designed for.
Shop by She Prays Daily™: designed for life is an offline and online space where we center the journeys of faith-based women. From corporate executives to creatives this space establishes a culture of speaking from a place of peace. We encourage the truth and taking actions towards triumph. We provide faith-filled women building brands and legacies the resources to live the life they were designed for.
Spoken by She Prays Daily™: designed for life is an offline and online space where we center the journeys of faith-based women. From corporate executives to creatives this space establishes a culture of speaking from a place of peace. We encourage the truth and taking actions towards triumph. We provide faith-filled women building brands and legacies the resources to live the life they were designed for.
Service by She Prays Daily™: designed for life is an offline and online space where we center the journeys of faith-based women. From corporate executives to creatives this space establishes a culture of speaking from a place of peace. We encourage the truth and taking actions towards triumph. We provide faith-filled women building brands and legacies the resources to live the life they were designed for.

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